750,000 Aussies join in as local communities come together in a national effort to improve the environment
Pip Kiernan, Chair of Clean Up Australia, says there has been an overwhelming response with more than 750,000 Aussies joining in as local communities came together in a national effort to improve the environment. Attendance figures at Clean Up Australia Day events were 30% higher than the previous year.
“People often express their concern about the state of the environment but feel frustrated about how to make a positive impact. Around three quarters of a million Australians are taking action and stepping up today to make a real difference.” Kiernan said.
Kiernan said cigarette butts have always been the most collected litter item and plastics were a perennial problem but a new menace is emerging. “Increasingly we’re hearing of our volunteers picking up vapes – which are an environmental triple threat as they’re plastic, electronic and hazardous waste”.
Kiernan added, “We’re very well known for our national day of action, but it’s important to remember we support Aussies taking practical environmental action every single day of the year.”
Founded by Ian Kiernan, AO, Clean Up Australia is one of the country’s most recognised and trusted environmental organisations, inspiring and empowering communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment. Clean Up Australia Day is the nation’s largest community-based environmental event and more than 20 million Australians have participated since its inception.
Clean Up Australia now works with community, governments and businesses to provide practical solutions to help all Australians live more sustainably every day of the year. Today the organisation’s focus is as much on preventing rubbish entering our environment as it is removing what has already accumulated.