Whale and seagull return for Aziversary series highlighting ocean sustainability
After 10-ish years, the Youtube megahit cartoon whale and seagull responsible for the sale of 110,000 t-shirts, 2 seasons on the ABC, 100’s of millions of views, AND coining the phrase ‘beached az bro’ return with a new 10 part online series, Beached Aziversary. As well as featuring a rambling Whale and slightly antagonistic Seagull, the new series (most importantly) shines a light on marine health – each episode being inspired by ocean sustainability. The series will launch on YouTube and Facebook on October 1, and marks the third series of the online sensation Beached Az.
The Beached Aziversary is a 10-part series created by the same team behind the original 2008 Youtube behemoth; Anthony MacFarlane, Jarod Green, and Nick Boshier (Bondi Hipsters, Trent from Punchy, Soul Mates, Jeremy The Dud, Rostered On), produced by Nick Boshier and Robot Army with production investment from the fine folks at Screen Australia.
The Aziversary will also feature a 12-part documentary series released simultaneously to the new season called Teached Az, directed by Jarod Green. Hosted by a climate-change-denying Seagull (performed by Anthony MacFarlane), the series features interviews with some of Australia’s leading marine experts and conservation organisations, such as; Greenpeace, WWF Australia, Sea Shepherd, Taronga Zoological Society, The Wilderness Society, the Australian Marine Conservation Society, Take 3 for the Sea, University of NSW, Macquarie University and The University of Sydney.
Beyond the video content, a ‘Bleached Az’ mobile game has also been developed in partnership with Chaos Theory Games and will launch in conjunction with the series. The mobile game will be available for free on iPhone and android with 20% of ad revenue going to planting trees with Carbon Neutral. It’s redefining the “action game” genre with players removing 16g of carbon from the atmosphere every time they play.
Beached Aziversary is a Robot Army Production with principal production investment from Screen Australia.
The Beached Aziversary will air on facebook.com/beachedaz